Procedure for complaints handling

At Heyford Regeneration, we aim to offer our clients and customers an efficient and effective service. We welcome suggestions on how this can be improved in order to meet the aspirations of our tenants.

Should there be any aspect of our service with which you are unhappy, this will be addressed strictly in accordance with our Procedure for Complaints Handling. This note sets out the procedure that we will follow in dealing with a complaint. We would hope that if you have a complaint about our services, you will be able to resolve it with the member of our staff with whom you usually correspond. If this has not resolved your complaint, and you do not have a copy of our complaints procedure, you should ask for a copy and follow our complaints procedure that is set out below.

At all stages of the complaints process, it is our ambition to resolve complaints with full transparency and openness in the hope that a mutually acceptable outcome can be achieved. If however you do not feel an appropriate response or resolution has been achieved by Heyford Regeneration’s internal Procedure for Handling Complaints, there is the option to refer your case to the Housing Ombudsmen Service for an independent review. The full policy below explains how this can be done.

Anyone who receives a service from us, including residents and neighbours of the homes we own or manage, applicants for housing and all those receiving a management service from Heyford Regeneration.

Firstly, you should speak to your primary contact as this is the most likely way to resolve the problem in a quick and efficient way. We will register this as feedback and use the information provided to improve our services.

If your primary contact is not able to resolve the issue, you can make a formal complaint through our Managing Agents (full contact details of which can be found on our website who are responsible for managing the complaints process.

At each stage of the complaints process, please be assured that Heyford Regeneration will:

  • Consider your complaint seriously and ensure your concern is followed-up on
  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint, as well as providing you with a summary, within 5 working days
  • Review your written complaint, and respond with a proposed resolution if possible, within a further 14 working days
  • Explain our findings to you and confirm what action , if any, is to be taken
  • Agree with you a timescale, as well as the best method of communication, in order to ensure you are kept fully informed of progress and the resolution

If you cannot make the complaint yourself or, require support in making a formal complaint, please ask a friend, carer, or other advocate to help you. Our complaints procedure is open to those acting on your behalf, for example a Residents’ Association, MP, Councillor or Citizens Advice Bureau. We do require a written summary of formal complaints that are escalated to Director level.


The following is to be used if your concern cannot be rectified informally with your usual main point of contact:

STAGE 1: Correspond with the Managing Agent
Once our Managing Agent has been notified of the complaint that you wish to make, they will aim to contact you in writing within 5 working days to inform you of our understanding of the circumstances of your case. You will be invited to make any additional comments that you may have in relation to this.

Within 14 working days of you receiving a receipt of your summary, the person dealing with your complaint will write to you, in order to inform you of the outcome of the investigation into your complaint and to let you know what actions have been, or will be, taken. If you are still not satisfied and would like to request a review, your case will be escalated to a Director. Please note, when a complaint is escalated to a Director, it must be in writing.

If you wish to write to us, please address the complaint to the Complaints Officer within our Managing Agent- full details of which can be found at

STAGE 2: Escalate to the Complaints Panel at Heyford Regeneration
If you are not satisfied with the initial response you received from our Managing Agent regarding your complaint, you can request a review by the Complaints Panel at Heyford Regeneration, which will be comprised of two Senior Directors who will not have been involved in the complaint previously. You will also have the opportunity to present your case to the Complaints Panel in person should you wish (please make it clear in your original request for a review by the Complaints Panel that you wish to make a representation in person). The Complaints Panel will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review within 14 days of your request having been reviewed by the Panel.

If you do in fact wish to request a review from the Complaints Panel, please address the complaint to:-
Chair of Complaints
Heyford Regeneration
Heyford Park House
52 Camp Road
Upper Heyford
OX25 5HD

STAGE 3: Escalate to Housing Ombudsmen Services
If you still remain dissatisfied with the response that you have received from the Chair of the Complaints Panel, you can refer your complaint free of charge to the Housing Ombudsman Service, the independent body for dispute resolution. Please address the query to:-

Housing Ombudsman Service
81 Aldwych

More details regarding the process that the Housing Ombudsmen Service will follow can be found at their website:-